I took the September exam, and walked out of the test center confused and flustered. It was challenging, but I couldn't really tell you how I did on it. I was in the mid 150s before the test, and I thought maybe if I had luck on my side I could reach 160 on the real thing. However, I don't think I did, so I'm retaking it in December.
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about how I can improve to the mid to late 160s before then. My strongest section is the LG, and my weakest is the LR. I'm tempted to start my prep from the beginning and re learn all the concepts and strategies necessary to do well. But that feels like a waste of valuable time.
Anyone have any suggestions about how to prepare for December?
And jeje that's similar to what I'm doing too to. The LG can be incredibly difficult if you don't know/understand how to approach the different games, but it can also be incredibly easy if you can quickly create a mental picture of the question, diagram well, and make inferences and or deductions! It used to be my worse section but now I love it!! Once you get a hang of how to diagram well and understand the rules they give you, as well as what those rules explicitly and implicitly tell you, the whole process gets easier!
The LR is still a challenge, but I'm thinking that the best approach is to make a step by step guide of how you feel comfortable approaching it, and practice that over and over again.
Good luck!