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I apologize if this is going to sound elementary.
I'm struggling with the following sections: Validity and MBT, Some and Most Relationships, and Invalid Argument forms.
Should I be making review-sheets for these sections?
Chuggin' Maple Syrup.
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I think a review sheet would be beneficial. It would help reinforce the concepts.
I just finished this section and rest assured that while it starts out rough, you're going to feel like a million bucks once you get things down.
My approach to these sections involved creating flashcards of the invalid/valid forms. I drilled them everyday until they were second nature. I also took the Validity/MBT, Some/Most Relationships, and Invalid Argument Forms sections very slowly, pacing through it and not moving onto the next lesson until I solidified my understanding. In all, I spent a solid week on these sections while simultaneously drilling through my flashcards two/three times a day.
Trust me, friend, it's gruelling, but it sure as hell pays off moving forward.
Just some advice that worked for me. I memorized the 9 valid argument forms until I knew them as well as my phone number (which I know very well). The invalid forms are anything but those 9. It took some time but now it's second nature. Gook luck, there is no substitute for time and practice!