Logic games - blanking

ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
in Logic Games 905 karma

Hello, I'm set to take the july lsat- org scheduled for june .
I've been upping my RC/LR scores and doing pretty decent under time constraints. I'm aiming for 150 and above.
I went to take a LG section timed today and I blanked -I only got a few right. Before at min I was getting at least 10 which I'm ok with because I can make up the rest in RC/LR.
I know I need to be spending more time on this section , as I know and have been told RC/LR can only go up so high.
I find that the first question I can get correct just by scanning the answers , after that I get confused when they start putting in exceptions to the rule. And I have a hard time ordering the info.

Now I'm worried this section is going to take down my score. And that I don't have enough time to get a decent LG score.

What do y'all think -can I bring it up with the upcoming time ? is that being realistic?
How should I adjust my strategy ?

I've been reviewing the CC- doing untimed PT inbetween, and now Im moving onto timed sections - I'm thinking of just devoting the next few days to LG

155=about 63 right on the lsat -avg for my target school


  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    Have you done or read any of the LG fool proof methods? (Master all games in PTs 1-35)

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    I would spend a vast amount of time improving LG. This is the one section, as everyone likes to say, that you can get near -0 if you put the time in. If you are getting around 10-15 right (you said at least 10 so I'm assuming you're hovering around here) you have a lot of room to improve. By simply improving and going -10 lets say, that could mean a ton of scholarship money from your target school.

    As @btate87 said, go fool proof all the games from PT 1-35. You need more exposure to these games and how to do them properly. After each game, watch JY's video on each one and see how he sets up the game and goes through each question.

    Setting up a proper game board and understanding how the rules interact is critical to have any sort of success in LG, something you mentioned struggling with.

    With all that being said, you are taking the June exam, so what gains you can make will be limited. I wouldn't be bashful about taking another date as well if you feel like you have left points on the table or want a chance at improving scholarship money.

    Just my thoughts here. Hope this helps! Good luck!

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    Thanks for the feedback everyone - I plan on taking the july lsat not the june one- I was scheduled to take the june one but couldn't put in enough hours due to work.

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