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Blind Review

Martin. TMartin. T Alum Member
in General 53 karma

Hello All,

I recently just finished my first preparation test yesterday evening. Now I am preparing to do the blind review method on the questions. However, I have a question concerning the practical framework of this review. I would like to know how an individual will be able to measure their "raw" score (the initial score after completing the preparation exam), if the blind review method recommends for an individual to avoid scoring the test until the end of the review? I want to make sure that I am correctly measuring my improvement going forward. So if anyone could help me understand this process more clearly, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • Thank you


  • paulmv.benthempaulmv.benthem Alum Member
    1032 karma

    Basically, as you're completing the PT under timed conditions, circle the number of every choice that you're not feeling confident about. After you're finished, before checking what choices you answered correctly, return to each question that your circle and analyze it until you feel confident that you know which answer choice is correct. Once you've done this for each question you circled, you'll have two sets of answer choices: (1) those you selected under actual conditions and (2) those you've chosen afterwards, without the constraints of time.

    You can find a more comprehensive description in the CC.

    If you look just below the tabs on the 7Sage Analytics page, there's a video tutorial demonstrating how to input both types of answer choices into the application.

    Hope that helps!

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    Yeah don't score your test until after you're done with your blind review. It's super tempting and we've probably all done it but it doesn't help that much in the long run.

  • Martin. TMartin. T Alum Member
    53 karma

    Okay I understand now, thank you so much for the responses!

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