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Tips for Retakers?

Cvarona123Cvarona123 Alum Member
in General 4 karma

Hello everyone.

I'm feeling a little bit lost here. I took the June 2018 LSAT and I didn't get the score I wanted. Prior to that I read all of the Powerscore bibles and did a bunch of practice tests. I was scoring better on the practice tests than I did on the actual LSAT so when I got my score I was shocked to say the least. Now I've started studying for the September test with 7Sage and it's great but it feels redundant to watch all of these lessons when I kind of know most of it already from previous prep. Does anyone have any tips for me to maximize my usage of this course without feeling like I'm wasting valuable time, because September is right around the corner. Also I'm enrolled in the starter pack. Thanks in advance for the advice!


  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    Take a break! Go on a vacation. Just don’t look at LSAT stuff for at least a week.

    When you come back, really assess what went wrong. Was it your skills? Your habits? Lack of knowledge? Did you miss many of a certain question type?

    After that, put that test away for a little while. Don’t think about it until you get ready for your next take. Then retake it.

    Pick one source material and use only that. You may be getting conflicting information if you are using different study materials.

    Hope this helps!

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