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Still debating whether I should register for September LSAT

lawhopeful_13lawhopeful_13 Alum Member
in General 41 karma

I recently wrote July LSAT and felt really good about it (LG LR LG RC LR is what I had, and I am thinking that 1st LG was the real one but definitely a harder one from the discussion board and I believe the total is going to be out of 101, am I right?).
I am still debating whether I should register for September LSAT.
I really wish to get it over with July but in slim chance that I may have to rewrite it again.

What would you guys say 7sagers?
Would you register and wait till the scores come out?


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited July 2018 9382 karma

    FYI: You can withdraw (full refund) after you get the July score.

    From the LSAC website:

    September LSAT Registration Refunds Available for July Test Takers
    July LSAT takers with a reportable score can request a full refund of their registration fee if they wish to withdraw their September registration after receiving their July score. Eligible candidates must submit a request for refund by August 17, 2018. Requests must include your name and LSAC account number and be emailed to using “September Full Refund Request” in the subject line. Refunds will not be issued to those who were absent, cancelled their score, withdrew, or were dismissed from the July test.

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