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Study schedule Q

monp0485monp0485 Member
in General 101 karma

I was looking down at the later weeks on my study schedule and it shows to take about 4 PTs a week. How would you guys recommend going about this with BR and the Q bank? Should I do a PT every other day and do the BR and Q bank, for Qs that I need more practice with, on the other days?


  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    DO NOT take all of the PTs. The study schedule will tell you to do that, but... that's pretty crazy. Plus, you want to have some PTs leftover for the possibility of a retake. I have heard that 1-2 PTs a week is ideal. I also left the question bank alone until I was done with that section (LG/LR/RC) of the CC. I really didn't use it much until I was done with the CC in its entirety. I think that your exact study plan will come to you as you progress. You'll intuitively know what to work on based on your level of comfort and concrete evidence of your strengths and weaknesses. Essentially, don't worry about it yet. :)

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