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Timing Issues During Practice Exams (REPLY POST)!!!!

juniormelendezjuniormelendez Alum Member
in General 18 karma

So I'm currently having a bit of an issue with my timing when it comes to logic reasoning and reading comp. I understand the concepts and question types in LR but I catch myself spending too much time on questions 11-20 and killing away the majority of my time. Reading Comp is just me rereading sentences/paragraphs because I don't really comprehend the information, so I know thats whats killing me time-wise.

Any recommendations I can supplement into my practices. I am taking the September exam so literally anything would be extremely helpful!!!


  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    Hey! For LR, I think you need to implement confidence drills.Basically you approach the section as quickly as you can and outrightly circling the answer you think is correct without dwelling on the answer choices or trying to prove out your reasoning. You'll find more details in the link below.

    For RC, I think you should try implementing subvocalizing. Literally move your lips. It might help you be more focused on what you're reading, and engage with the passage using your pencil to follow every word on the page. I hope this helps.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I think that subvocalizing is a great idea. Another thing that I do is if there is a word that I can't pronounce in my head, I don't waste time trying to figure out how it's supposed to sound. Just give it a sound or an initial or something as a place holder. If you spend too much time trying to figure out what one random words means, you'll slow yourself down and get stuck and forget everything else that you were holding in your mind.

    This depends on your goal score, but have you thought about trying to do only three passages? If you could get more questions right by really focusing on three passages and then guessing on one, it might be worth a shot! Don't try this for the first (or second or third) time on the real test though!

  • juniormelendezjuniormelendez Alum Member
    18 karma

    Thank you guys for the feedback!!Will be implementing all the advice to my practice leading up to exam day!

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