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Question about when to Blind Review

lackofimaginationlackofimagination Alum Member
in General 74 karma

Hi friends! I have a stupid question regarding the application of BR. In the video, it was introduced as the method to be adopted for LR. Should we also use it for LG and/or RC? Thanks a lot!


  • SamiSami Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10789 karma

    @hx40 said:
    Hi friends! I have a stupid question regarding the application of BR. In the video, it was introduced as the method to be adopted for LR. Should we also use it for LG and/or RC? Thanks a lot!

    Not a stupid question and I am not just saying that -It's actually a great question <3.

    You can definitely do it for LG and RC as well - I do. For RC, after I have taken the PT or the section, I print a clean copy and I re-read the passage without a time limit. As I read the passage, I write my low rez and connect backs for each paragraph. I then write my main point for the passage and do write ups for each question. I then watch my footage and see how long it took me to read the passage and do questions. After that, I check my score and listen to any explanations that I need to.

    For LG, I print a clean copy out as well. I just do all four games without a time limit. I then see how I did the section compared to my timed section. I then listen to any explanations that I need to and re-do the game if needed.

    I hope this helped. :)

  • lackofimaginationlackofimagination Alum Member
    74 karma

    Thanks so much Sami!

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