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Academic CV to Resume Advice

mizbanismizbanis Member
edited September 2018 in Law School Admissions 55 karma

I am realizing now that many of the truths that hold for an academic CV may not apply for a law school application resume. I was hoping to get some clarifications on some aspects!

1) do you include dollar amounts for grants/funding? A lot of the grants I got during my masters to conduct research are above 5k, and one is 17k... on a CV dollar amounts are a must to show you are able to get significant funding, but since that is not the case in law school is it too pretentious? Also, should I list every award I've gotten? It takes up half a page which is normal for academia where your CV can be like 20 pages, but it seems to take up too much room for law school applications.

2) In my CV, conferences organized and conferences presented at are two different categories. Should these become one larger category? I also have a separate volunteer work section.


  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    I think both harvard and yale offers templates for resumes. I just copied what I thought were the relevant aspects from both. Different schools have different requirements for the CV, but I would definitely try to keep it under 2 pages. Only list the most relevant things.

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