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Would it be best practice to submit documents (resume, PS, why X, etc) as PDFs instead of word documents? In my overly obsessive little law school applicant mind, I'm imaging all sorts of unintentional formatting / processing errors occurring at some point after I hit submit to the point where the document appears before a decision maker. Is this just a symptom of too-much time thinking about this or would it help to submit documents as PDFs?
Over-thinking haha. The system converts it to PDF I think. And it allows you to preview before you submit. I can see my apps from last year, they all end up in one long PDF with the application. I used Word and no formatting problems at all. Converting probably wouldn't hurt but there's no need for it.
I am going to submit with PDF personally.
No resume (specifically) formatting issues? @"Leah M B"
Not that I saw. I didn't use any particularly unusual formatting though. It probably wouldn't hurt to convert to PDF, but I didn't have any trouble. And again, you're able to review it before transmitting too.
Gotcha. Kk, thanks!
I’m on a Mac so I convert my .pages to pdf as there are often formatting issues when I convert to word.
.PDF all the way—it puts a freeze on formatting so what you see on the screen is what the recipient will get.