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11 points by Nov 17?

MindOverLSATMindOverLSAT Alum Member

Hi! I’m looking for some study strategy. I’m looking for encouraging & supportive advice.

I’m planning on taking the exam on Nov 17. I’ve taken about 7 practice tests over the past several months. I’m averaging about 149 and have a goal of 160. I have a high accuracy on my untimed tests.

I generally get through 2 logic games, 2.5 reading comprehension passages, and all but the last page of a logical reasoning section on a timed test. I do blind review and go through the questions. I’ve been studying off and on since January. I’ve read all the PowerScore books.

So, I’ve got several weeks left. How should I prioritize my studying and schedule my time to bump up my score? I work part-time, too.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    At this point, it's pretty unlikely that you'll be able to score 160 by November. I would strongly consider postponing. If you haven't hit your goal score at least a couple of times in practice two weeks before the test, you aren't going to hit it on test day and you'll be stuck with a less desirable score on your record. Having said all of that, the best way for you to boost your score will be to improve games. You need to foolproof like crazy over the next few weeks. If you can get through the first three games you'll be in much better shape. If you're only making it through 2.5 RC passages and you have several LR questions at the end of a section, you should think about a skipping strategy. Why are you running out of time on RC? Are you a slow reader or do you spend too much time on certain questions? Same thing with LR.

  • Victoria.Victoria. Member
    edited October 2018 553 karma

    I'd second foolproofing games, but would recommend doing it by section so you can get your timing down. Knock out a section or two a day with review right after while practicing a stable timing strategy for the other two sections. I'd say now wouldn't be the time to try anything new, just work on your timing (can you get the 1st 10 LR down in 10min? and shoot for 3 RC passages?) and you should be able to gain a few more points. Good luck and remember the most important thing is to stay calm on test day.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Definitely agree about doing the games by section, that's what I've been doing and it goes way faster!

  • MindOverLSATMindOverLSAT Alum Member
    28 karma

    Hi all! Thanks so much for your comments. I appreciate the tips!

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    Fool proof games and listen to the first episode of the 7sage podcast. Josh gives really good advice on speed. One of the many things I agree with him on is that the change from 160-170 mostly comes from timing strategies, but for your situation, you need much more familiarity and you need to start doing questions timed before you can start implementing more advanced timing strategies.

  • redshiftredshift Alum Member
    261 karma

    I'll add a Fourth. Foolproof games! Spend a weekend literally foolproofing 30-40 games of different types (possibly the games on the 7Sage curriculum).

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