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Blind Review Question

inactiveinactive Alum Member
edited December 2014 in General 12637 karma
Hey 7Sagers! Someone wrote in with a question that I thought you could help out with! Here it is:

When blind reviewing a preptest, should I go back and review the answers to all the questions or just the questions that I circled?

When I blind review LG I go back and do all the games and usually miss only -1 or 2 questions. Thanks!


  • lsathopefullsathopeful Alum Member
    edited December 2014 268 karma
    Part of the purpose of BR is to see how well you can identify the questions that you may have gotten wrong. So, by going back and reviewing only the questions that you circled you:

    1. Are able to BR in a reasonable amount of time (blind reviewing the entire test takes a very, very long time.)

    2. Are able to get a feel for how well you can identify the questions you may have gotten wrong (i.e. if you circle question numbers 5, 6, and 13 in a section, and you got question 13 wrong, then you have a good sense for which questions you would have gotten incorrect, and your time is well spent going back to those questions on the day of the test (if time permits); on the other hand, if you circled 5, 6, and 13 and got questions 7, 11, and 22 wrong, then you not only misidentified 5, 6, and 13 as questions that are likely incorrect, but you also completely missed (were TOO confident about) the questions that you actually did get wrong.)

    I hope that helps.

    As an aside, I personally find it helpful to BR the entirety of LG, since 1) each question requires a good understanding of the main diagram/rules (i.e. if I am putting in the time and effort to go over the main diagram/rules, I will go ahead and do the rest of the game as well) and 2) LG has patterns that are a lot easier to pick up on than LR and RC, so (especially if I don't do well on a particular LG section) it will be worth my time to go over the entire section
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    I personally BR the whole thing, although it takes a long time it is nice to be able to see how I approach questions. for ones I get it only takes seconds to go and re-cross out the wrong AC's (while evaluating why each is wrong) so I find it doesnt add toooo much time.

    Theres also the fact that often there are questions that I just move on from after picking an AC without marking it when I should have and get to it in BR and think "wow, why isnt this marked...?" and often there is at least 1 question I didnt mark which I change my answer.
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