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Yale 250

practicethepausepracticethepause Alum Member
edited November 2018 in Law School Admissions 111 karma

Does Yale 250 essay have to have exactly 250 words? Can it be less than 250? (for example, can it be 210 words? or should I fill it up at least to 245 words if I can't make it exactly 250?)

Thank you in advance for your responses!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Check out this post from Ask Asha:

    Here's an excerpt (the major mistakes people make) : 1. Not Keeping Your Essay at 250 Words or Less. Yes, it seems like it would be obvious that a 250-word essay should be, well, 250 words. I'm not sure why people choose to ignore this. Because they think what they have to say is so special that the limit doesn't apply? They didn't read the instructions? They don't know how to use the word counter on their computer? Not clear. Look. It's an excercise. The faculty who came up with this application requirement a billion years ago do not like to be mocked. Do I or the faculty reading your application actually count the words? Maybe—do you want to take the chance? Bottom line: Don't go over 250 words. If what you have to say is longer, edit it. And yes, definite and indefinite articles and prepositions count.

  • practicethepausepracticethepause Alum Member
    111 karma

    @MissChanandler Thank you so much!!

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