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Recording Timed PT's

RosenkranzRosenkranz Alum Member
in General 105 karma

There are a few discussions from just over a year ago about the practical aspects of how to record timed PT's (selfie sticks, uploading and file sizes).

I have that part down. I am curious to know what others do with the data afterwards. I can now see what questions are taking more time and I will drill the worst offenders. I think that knowing that I'll be watching myself makes me more aware of my time management, which is valuable in and of itself.

I just want to know if there is another step that I am unaware of.

I appreciate the input, as always.


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    Below is something I posted 7 months ago:

    @akistotle said:
    I don't know if you've seen J.Y.'s timing sheet of PT83 but I make the same one each time.

    Here I decided to skip Q4 after spending 35 seconds, which was a right move. But I spent way too much time on Q6.

    If you are spending more than 30 seconds on Main Point/Main Conclusion questions, you should drill those questions until you can get them under 30 seconds. Also, SA/PSA questions should be your freebies.

    J.Y. doesn't make mistakes, so he doesn't have overconfidence/underconfidence columns, but mine keeps track of that:

    Although I did not make any mistakes on this page, there were huge strategic errors: I circled too many and wasted time (90 seconds) in the round 2. On this page, I didn't change the answers. I spent 1.5 minute just to confirm the answers and was not able to go back to the questions I really should have gone back to.

    In this section, I only made one overconfidence error, and there were 6 under-confidence questions where I wasted my time.

    In a section right after this, I changed my strategy and made a limit to the number of questions I can circle.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    edited December 2018 6050 karma

    Seconding @akistotle. I basically used her post from a few months ago to model my spreadsheets in excel. I also write detailed notes about what my process was like. 50 seconds for a question can look like effectively reading stimulus, eliminating wrong answer choices, and choosing one answer choice. But, 50 seconds can also look like reading the stimulus, staring at the answer choices before deciding to circle the question as a 'skip' and moving on. It's an incredibly timeconsuming and brain numbing process to watch your video and take effective notes BUT the more effective your notes, the less likely you have to go back to the video and watch it.

    Edit: Also be sure to try to do timed drills. I've found that to be more helpful once my BR score reached a certain point.

  • RosenkranzRosenkranz Alum Member
    105 karma

    Wow! This is exactly what I was looking for!

    Thank you so much!

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