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I’m taking the January test and in full swing of my PTs. What I’m finding is more recently, I’m getting easier questions wrong because my thought process is something like, “oh no, this question couldn’t possibly be this easy” or “what am I missing? This has to be a trick question.” And then I’m getting these easy questions wrong. Is there anything I can do to combat this?
Yes, do speed drilling. Go with your initial intuition for a few sections, don't waste any time overthinking any question just finish as fast as possible and track your accuracy. You'll start to get a sense of where real tricks lie and what questions are free points. It seems like you're at an intermediate stage where you are aware of the existence of tricks on this test but you are still sharpening those intuitions that help you see tricks and to have the confidence to move forward without "analysis paralysis"
Thank you— that’s really helpful.