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Advice Appreciated

I keep hearing that RC is the hardest to improve on, and since I have about 18 months until my first attempt I'd like to solidify RC. On my June 07 timed diagnostic I scored a 152 with a -7 in RC. Does this constitute a good score? And what exactly can I do to get down to -1/0? I've always been a fast reader and finished all the passages and questions with 2 minutes left. The 7 I missed were all seemingly dumb mistakes.

How do you guys like the memory method? I haven't looked at it yet as I'm focused on LR right now.


  • juanmapmjuanmapm Alum Member
    379 karma

    I started with the same exact score nearly a year ago (-7 on RC as well). Over the course of the year, I have managed to get that score down to an average of -2,-3 by just drilling sections. That said, some RC passages are simply more brutal than others, and I think the tip to overcome these passages is to stay engaged with the material no matter how abstract and boring it might seem. I think a lot of people recommend reading The Economist and other-jargon heavy materials, outside of the LSAT, and I would take that advice to heart except add that one should read critically as much as possible. Some more detailed advice is to read question stems extremely carefully. LR's MSS questions types are similar to RC's MSS question types and answer choices with "extreme language" should therefore be treated with the same degree of caution. Good luck, hope this rant helps!

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