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What happens in a study group?

5MoreMinPlease5MoreMinPlease Yearly Member
edited January 2019 in Study Groups 128 karma

I asked this as a comment in a different thread, but realized it might deviate the convo from the OPs point.

I'm interested in joining/starting a study group in my area (Newport, Jersey City NJ) but have questions.

When people do group study sessions, what's actually done in them? How do you decide what content is covered as a group VS individually, so that everyone gets the most out of it? How will the leader organize the content we go over, and is it expected that we finish the CC entirely before group studying?


  • 5MoreMinPlease5MoreMinPlease Yearly Member
    128 karma

    .... anyone?

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    edited January 2019 3279 karma

    Answer is dependent on the parties. You assumed there is going to be a leader. Maybe someone will lead or maybe the group will collectively make a decision.

    How the group operates will depend on its members. And different people thrive in different environments so there isn't one way to go about study groups. There are bad ways to go about study groups though (e.g. using most of the time to make small talk).

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