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Applying for Law Schools

jessencoltonrjessencoltonr Member
in General 15 karma

Hello, I am starting my search for what schools I would like to apply to with a specialty in Criminal Law. I was wondering if anyone knew of a site or somewhere where I can get a list of schools across the country with Criminal Law.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma this might be a good place to start. In general, the better the school the better it is no matter what kind of law you want to practice. From what I've gathered, ultimate ranking matters more than specific program ranking, and it's still important to keep other factors in mind (such as where in the country you want to work, etc.).

  • 246 karma

    I’ve asked a few people about this and they have all said go to the best school possible and do a clerkship. I’m not sure what exactly you are thinking about when you say criminal law, but the people I have spoken with have said that if you want to do any type of litigation there is pretty much no substitute for a clerkship.

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