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How do you maximize the CC's problem sets as far as timing and strategy?

LsatmindedLsatminded Member
in General 54 karma

I find that I am taking longer than the amount of time suggested on the course for each lesson, with getting each problem set done. Right now, I try to go through each set timed, go back through to blind review and watch the explanation. I am wondering if I am not using my time productively, given that I will take the test in June.


  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Hey! I would say that you can skip a few of the sets, so you have something to come back to. For example, if I see a lot of easy sets, I'll skip onto medium and hard. It all depends on what you truly need to work on. For example, you might be overkilling it with BR-ing questions that you're arleady 100% confident on. After the LR, start taking a few timed LR sections for analytics and work back on the weaker sections. You can drill the certain areas if needed or go back to the sets. Try to get through the LR, foolproof games at the same time, and start with the LR timed sections. I feel like that is working best for me! Hope that helps

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I would definitely save most of them for drilling. When I went through the CC, I would do a problem set or two to solidify the methods, but save the rest. That way after you start PTing and really identifying your weaknesses, you'll have stuff to go back to.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    Save most of them for later! Once you know where you're weaknesses lie they are very useful for drills.

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