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Albany Law School Test Center

jessicalauren216jessicalauren216 Free Trial Member

Hi! I had a complete disaster in January lol I was registered and missed the test by 2 mins because I was late. Literally as soon as I walked up to the proctors they had just put pencils down. My life. Anyway, I'm not taking any chances for March, so I want to make sure I have everything planned. I checked my ticket and it says "Main Foyer" is where we report for the exam. Does anyone else know who's signed up there, or who has taken the test there previously, if that's the building where the gym is/the main classrooms?

Thank you!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma this site has reviews for test centers!

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma


    I took PT 85 there last year. My ticket said "Alumni Gym". The Law School is pretty small so I would recommend getting there at 8 and watching where people walk in. There is only 1 main parking lot so you should be able to see the direction people are going if there are not signs. Use the restroom if you need to before you sit down as during my take, they did not allow people who sat down to use the restroom before the test. Good luck!!

  • jessicalauren216jessicalauren216 Free Trial Member
    86 karma

    Thank you both! I found it and made it lol. By the way for anyone curious about Albany Law as a test center in general, it is amazing. This was my third time taking the LSAT and it was by far the best test center I have ever been to. The proctors were professional, the tables were spacious so there was plenty of room to stretch out and work, and we were given proper breaks and started promptly. Highly recommend!

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