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Do untimed RC following CC or by section?

I’m going back to untimed RC drill, and am wondering if I should follow CC or just do sections.
Either way I’ll do four passages, but I haven’t done any problem sets.
So far I’ve drilled by section after CC, and am done with RC from PT1-11.
What’s the criteria for the RC problem sets? Is there a benefit to doing CC problem sets?


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Since the problem sets are just passages from previous LSATs, I think it's fine to just use sections of old PTs. However, do keep in mind how much time you have before you are wanting to take the test- you'll definitely want to have exposure to newer RC by the time you take the test for real.

  • 615 karma

    Thank you @MissChanandler I’m trying to do timed sections in addition to timed PT, so hope that’d work :smile:

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