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BR question

lsatstudy18lsatstudy18 Alum Member
in General 156 karma

Okay, I'm a bit confused on how to BR.

Do I go through a timed PT/Section, transfer my answers to different sheet/7sage, and then go back and go over my pt once again un-timed?


  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    More or less, you don't have to transfer your original answers to 7sage before your BR though. I generally take a test and then go over the whole PT again over the course of 3-4 days. Some people I know print clean copies for their BR, I like to keep my copy that is all marked up so that I can see during my BR what exactly I was thinking during the timed test. Any questions that gave me difficulty I type up explanations for. This includes breaking down the question into context, premise and conclusion (for LR) and explaining why I believe that my answer choice is correct and why all of the other answer choices are wrong. Once this is done, you can input both your original answers and BR answers into 7sage at the same time. I hope that helps!

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