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How time consuming is the application process?

I've always assumed that the actual application process itself isn't all that bad. But for time management purposes I need to know what I should expect. I already have LORs, my transcript, and my personal statement finished. How long does the rest of it all take? If you're blanketing the t-14 for example, wouldn't most of the applications be roughly the similar other than why X essays?


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8722 karma

    Admissions will probably be able to answer this question much better than me but I applied to 8 schools (lower t14 through the top 20) and with tailored “why x” essays it took me a solid month chipping away at things about an hour per day (minus Sunday’s) or the amount of time my schedule permits.

    For instance if someone wants to write a why x essay for Vanderbilt, you’ve got to do some research or a trip or something: a trip being something that my budget does not allow that many of. That data gathering process was a bit time consuming.

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Some schools have different essay prompts and different requirements that may have you revising a foundation personal statement to suit a particular school. Only you can tell if you are ready to stop working on an essay, but be thorough and put in the time to make your story distinctive and persuasive.
    Schools also ask different questions on their electronic application, so you definitely don't want to rush the assembling and submitting of applications. If you are attaching school specific writing to your e-app, you want to leave yourself plenty of time to review and check your answers and attachments before submitting. Don't risk accidentally sending your Why X essay to school Z and shooting yourself in the foot. I would recommend spreading it out over several days. Good luck!

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