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How to Approach a Character and Fitness Addendum

Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant

Each school decides what to ask and how to phrase the questions in their Character and Fitness section of the application. Questions and wording may change from cycle to cycle based on state bar requirements or desires of faculty or administrators.

If you answer yes to any questions, be clear and thorough in your explanations. If you have any criminal convictions, a committee of administrators, faculty, and counsel would meet to discuss the application.

If you list offenses, the Admissions Committee could ask itself
- Is there a pattern of behavior or was this an isolated offense?
- How many offenses?
- Was the offensive behavior repetitive?
- Was there violence?
- Was there a blatant disregard of the law?
- Does this person not believe in legal compliance?
- Was there a change in behavior?
- How recent were these incidents?
- What has the applicant learned?

The most important thing the Committee is looking for is to see if you take ownership of your actions. In your short, factual explanation, help the Committee get to the point where they invite you to attend the school without having to ask you more questions. Your explanation should answer any potential question the Committee might raise. You want the Committee to reach a conclusion based on your words, not any assumptions they make on their own.


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8700 karma

    Thank you for posting this. Do you mind if I ask: I heard that taking a break somewhere in undergrad is considered a minor character and fitness issue. I for instance took a 2 year break between community college and my 4 year institution to work, save money and minimize my debt burden: worked at a stone quarry and a farm. I explained this to each school that asked about interruptions in my education. From everything you have heard, is this a small strike against me? How is this generally viewed?

    Thank you!

  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7317 karma

    Thanks, @"selene.steelman"! If any of you are looking for more details, check out this lesson:

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