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Blind Review Help

sshaw14sshaw14 Member
edited July 2019 in General 16 karma

How do you do blind review with the problem sets when checking your answers? All I see are the correct answers when I go to check my first rounds answers


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    You shouldn't be checking the answers before the blind review

  • sshaw14sshaw14 Member
    16 karma

    @MissChanandler said:
    You shouldn't be checking the answers before the blind review

    The How will I know if my answers are correct or wrong? and which ones to go back to?
    I must be confused on how to do blind review.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    edited July 2019 3256 karma

    As you are doing the problems, you want to circle (or if you aren't printing them out, just make a note on a post it) the ones where you aren't completely sure/confident in your answer choice. Later, you will go back and redo those questions, giving yourself enough time to be completely sure of your answer choice. It might take you fifteen minutes to BR one question if it's a really hard one. The point of the BR process is to help you identify where you struggle, and get a full understanding of the problems with no time constraints. It also helps you to identify confidence errors. For example, if you circled a question that you got correct the first time around, why were you not completely confident in your answer choice? And then on the other hand, if you got a problem wrong that you didn't circle, why were you confident that the wrong answer was the correct one? After you have completed your first pass AND your blind review, then you will check the answers

  • sshaw14sshaw14 Member
    16 karma

    @MissChanandler said:
    As you are doing the problems, you want to circle (or if you aren't printing them out, just make a note on a post it) the ones where you aren't completely sure/confident in your answer choice. Later, you will go back and redo those questions, giving yourself enough time to be completely sure of your answer choice. It might take you fifteen minutes to BR one question if it's a really hard one. The point of the BR process is to help you identify where you struggle, and get a full understanding of the problems with no time constraints. It also helps you to identify confidence errors. For example, if you circled a question that you got correct the first time around, why were you not completely confident in your answer choice? And then on the other hand, if you got a problem wrong that you didn't circle, why were you confident that the wrong answer was the correct one? After you have completed your first pass AND your blind review, then you will check the answers

    Thank You So Much

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