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Please avoid Sonesta Hotel Philadelphia if you can

yhao03yhao03 Free Trial Member
edited July 2019 in Test Center Reviews 10 karma

I took the July LSAT there, and the proctor's unprofessionalism ruined my entire test experience (I registered at a different test center, but was somehow reassigned to Sonesta). Let me recapitulate what happended during the test day. I took the paper based test in July.
Before I entered the test room, I had everything inspected by the proctor. Nothing was wrong, she let me in, and I finished the first three section undisturbed. However, after the break and shortly before the start of the fourth section, the proctor approached me with a gold ticket, saying that I had violated the test policy by having a eraser with a sleeve. I was so confused and angry, and had a hard time focusing on the rest two sections. Of course I had the eraser inspected by her before I entered the room, and it is pointless to consciously hide a eraser with a sleeve (like, what can I even do with it?). So afterwards, I approached the proctor, and asked her what is going to happen next. She said do not know, because she is just a contractor, and I need to contact LSAT. This is just ridiculous.
I know someone is going to say that I should learn to read if I want to be a good lawyer, and I completely agree. But I think the main issue here is that the proctor is confused and inconsistent with the rules. She ruined my entire test by not understanding what she is supposed to do. I also don't get her motive, like is she trying to show that she is a professional and dedicated employee? I just don't get it.
Also, she forgot to instruct us to copy the certifying statement before collecting our admission ticket. Luckily someone pointed out her mistake, and we wasted another ten minutes for her to hand back the admission ticket before the test start.


  • cooljon525-1-1cooljon525-1-1 Alum Member
    917 karma

    Thats horrible. Some of these proctors take their jobs way too seriously.

  • yhao03yhao03 Free Trial Member
    10 karma

    @cooljon525 said:
    Thats horrible. Some of these proctors take their jobs way too seriously.

    Is actually good if they take their job seriously AND they know what they are supposed to do.........

  • cooljon525-1-1cooljon525-1-1 Alum Member
    917 karma

    @yhao03 said:

    @cooljon525 said:
    Thats horrible. Some of these proctors take their jobs way too seriously.

    Is actually good if they take their job seriously AND they know what they are supposed to do.........

    I was referring to the fact that the proctor was so strict about the erasor sleeve. It is on the list of items you can't bring.

    I thought that if they find a prohibited item then they can give a violation slip. I read up on someone who got a violation for bringing a mechanical pencil last year.

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