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Which Course to take

ppertierrappertierra Alum Member
in General 29 karma

Hello, I am currently registered for the September 2019 LSAT and was wondering which course would be recommended. I took the Sept. 2018 LSAT and scored a 164, and am currently testing in the mid to high 160s. However, I am trying to lock in a score above 170. Do you guys recommend one course over the other or anything specific that I should be doing to get my score into that range? Appreciate any help in can get.


  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited July 2019 1866 karma


    Based on where you're scoring, you'd probably be good with the Starter or Premium just for the knowledge from the core-curriculum (CC). You can always purchase additional tests as add-ons, and improve strategy following the advice from the various free resources such as webinars ( and the 7Sage podcast.

    At the same time, if your weakness is with hard questions (regardless of question type) or LR in general, the Ultimate+ offers access to hard problem sets w/ explanations and LR drill packets, which are all super convenient to target your learning.
    Do you have a particular section you're struggling with or missing the most points in?

  • ppertierrappertierra Alum Member
    29 karma

    I average between 20-23 correct on LR and am trying to get my games back to the 21-23 correct I was averaging before. The section I have the most trouble in is RC which on bad tests ill only get about 16-18 correct.

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    1866 karma

    It seems like you'll mostly want to focus on RC while boosting LR a bit more. In that case I think you're good with Starter or Premium, to be honest. The RC curriculum is clear and concise, and will give you the foundation + reading strategies you need to improve your score in that section.
    The webinar resources, general forum, and podcasts offer plenty of other tips that can help you improve further in both RC and LR. Highly recommend these webinars for general strategy and drilling advice, especially for LR:

    Other than that, I think old PTs are great for both RC and LR drilling. Still, you'll need to make sure you have access to newer PTs so you get exposure to the comparative section for RC and the way questions are worded in general on newer exams (especially the more nuanced LR questions). Again, you can purchase newer tests as add-ons if you don't have them already. If you'll need to purchase a ton of PTs, consider the cost difference between individual purchases and going with the Ultimate or Ultimate+ plans. I haven't used the digital tester personally, but I know plenty of people recommend purchasing and taking tests on the site so you have access to the digital tester.

    Whatever plan you choose, I'd first go through the "Welcome to 7Sage" and "The Blind Review Method" parts of the core-curriculum (CC)--Blind Review is a fundamental aspect of prepping for this test so you want to make sure you understand that process. Then, I'd just go straight to the RC curriculum, spend a solid amount of time learning and drilling, then assess where you are with a couple of PTs. If you have time (and depending on how you do on PTs), I'd also go through the LR and LG curriculums. For games, make sure you're foolproofing in the meantime if you're still struggling to average -2 or better.
    Foolproofing details:

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