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LG PT 1-35 Strategy

endless_summer17endless_summer17 Alum Member
edited July 2019 in Logic Games 76 karma

Hi! I know everyone has different strategies for what works well for them for FP LG PT 1-35.
I would love to hear others experiences in how they saw optimal improvements working their way through each of the game sections.

1) How many games were you doing each day// how long did it take you to get through each LG PT 1-35?
2) Did you feel like you needed more prep after 1-35?
3) What advice would you have if you were to do it all over again (or if you did it all over again haha)?
4) How did you fit in Fool Proofing with studying for the other sections?


  • hl2xjhl2xj Alum Member
    61 karma

    Im curious on this myself.

  • Beast ModeBeast Mode Live Member
    edited August 2019 850 karma

    Hi there,
    Great questions. I was curious as well and found this discussion
    It's very helpful.

  • endless_summer17endless_summer17 Alum Member
    76 karma

    thank you @"Beast Mode" !!

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    I foolproofed 1-35 twice before I was comfortably going -3 or better. Some people only need to do it once and can consistently go -0! Depends on the person. If you have something you struggle with like misreading rules, timing, or general test anxiety, then simply foolproofing may not be enough. You will need to address those issues that cause you to make errors during the section. Even after foolproofing twice and doing hundreds of games, I still sometimes make mistakes if I feel pressed for time. Best advice I can give it to foolproof and if you’re still struggling despite a firm grasp on the material, figure out where your mistakes are coming from.

  • endless_summer17endless_summer17 Alum Member
    76 karma

    Thanks for the advice @"Pride Only Hurts" !! When you say you FP twice, does that mean you did all 140 games 2x each or you did all 140 games anywhere from 7-14x each?? How many months did this take you and about how much FP did you do on a given day?

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @endless_summer17 said:
    Thanks for the advice @"Pride Only Hurts" !! When you say you FP twice, does that mean you did all 140 games 2x each or you did all 140 games anywhere from 7-14x each?? How many months did this take you and about how much FP did you do on a given day?

    Typically I think people mean how many times they foolproofed all the games from 1-35. It depends on how much time you have. I'm working full time so it certainly took me longer than someone who's studying full time. I would estimate it took about 2 months for me the first time and even longer the second time because I was no longer focusing all my energy on LG. 7-14 is overkill though. Maybe it takes 7+ times for some of the hardest games but I printed out 4 copies each time I foolproofed and that was enough for me. If you do foolproof twice, second time around you will ideally be better and will only need to redo the more difficult games. I think this strategy is by far the best. Stick with it for however long it takes you and you'll improve. LG was my worst section by far for a really long time and now I average -1 on PTs. Never thought it was possible for me but trust the system and you'll get there.

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