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Tester highlight function not working with Huawei To 10


Please advise on how to do the highlight function, I bought the tablet to do the beta tester and it's not working :( using Chrome and Android. In the 7sage app it doesn't work either


  • 276 karma

    I'm really sorry to hear that you're having these issues!

    What do you experience when you try to use the highlighter? If you could take a screenshot or screencast and send to, that would be super helpful in helping us diagnose the issue. Unfortunately, we do not have a Huawei device to run tests with on our end.

    In the meantime, are you able to try on a different browser on the Huawei? Other possible fixes are 1. updating your OS and 2. using another device to see it if works on that (I know this one is a band-aid fix, but we want you to have access while we work on getting to the bottom of this!

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