Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Diversity Statement Advice- What is "OK" to write about? - 7Sage Forum

Diversity Statement Advice- What is "OK" to write about?

nashj2798nashj2798 Free Trial Member

I am having trouble brainstorming for writing a diversity statement. I have definitely had experiences that have given me a unique lens, as well as equip me to view issues differently than others. The main 2 that come to mind are my summers volunteering at a camp for children with autism, and overcoming a serious eating disorder. Both give me a lot to write about, but I am unsure if understanding others who have mental disabilities or speaking about my own mental "illness" struggle would be wise.

Are these topics that do not warrant a diversity statement, or that are not along the lines of what diversity means to most law programs?


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I think that these both sound more like personal statement material rather than diversity statements. Remember, there's no need to force out a diversity statement. They won't think anything negative about you if you don't have one. If you really want to write one, just make sure to reach each school's prompt, because diversity is defined differently at different schools

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