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4/5 Difficulty LR

Nick LucianoNick Luciano Alum Member
edited January 2015 in General 12 karma
Anyone have any tips or assistance for getting more of the most difficult LR questions correct? Especially necessary assumptions?


  • alexroark5alexroark5 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    812 karma
    getting really solid on the fundamentals. The fundamentals are the same no matter how difficult the problem. its just that the stimulus gets more difficult to decipher and the answer choices tend to be more difficult to eliminate.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    +1 the question is pretty general as all questions have a slightly different approach. You want to be able to recognize the premise and conclusion and find out what kind of assumption is being made but not stated. for a lot of flaw questions is an assumption that blocks out some other explanation or extra info that would change the conclusion. for NA its as simple as an assumption that is needed for the conclusion to work. It may seem very silly while reading the AC's since there is generally a lot of stuff that is needed for an argument and TCR sometimes uses the most obvious NA that can sometimes be easily looked over. try negating it and see what happens. Is the argument still possible? "Nick sells lemonade every weekend and usually makes around $100" okay "Nick sells 50 glasses for $2 each"? nope, yeah that makes perfect sense but what if Nick didn't do that? nothing changes, but "Nick has access to lemonade" well duhhhhh, it seems so obvious but it is very much so necessary. If Nick didn't have access to lemonade well how the heck is he selling lemonade?
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