I've noticed that working on the problem sets at the end of each section is very time consuming. 15 mins for each problem set is fine but 15 mins to review the answers is not okay lol. & after blind review that may take an additional 30 mins.-1 hr. and reviewing the videos for each problem set takes way over 15 mins. Am I the only one that has noticed this? I feel like I'm 10 hours behind on the the core curriculum

because of the additional time devoted to BR & trying to watch every video explanation.
My advice would be to not pay attention to it. The point isn't (necessarily) to get through the material. It's to know the material and apply the concepts to kick the LSAT in the face.
If it says 6 hours and it takes you 12, but you have a firm understanding, than that's way better than rushing and getting it done in 6 and not having a firm understanding.
@mpits001 Yea. I feel the same way. I'm about half way through the course and realized that some sections have 7 practice sets and I fell completely behind. But as long as I'm truly understanding the concept it shouldn't matter. Thanks!
hey there, where can I find a basic breakdown of logical reasoning, reading comprehension and game set up? sorry for asking, new to this and I'm trying to navigate through it all
You're fine. It sounds like you're spending time on the review part which is more effective than rushing it and just jumping to the next topic so you can say that you've gone through the material. I don't think the schedule is realistic about the timing of a deep review. Remember quality is more important than quantity when it comes to studying for this test.