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Regarding the core curriculum,

Darth JuristDarth Jurist Member
edited March 2016 in General 453 karma
For the modules like the strengthen and weaken question types, should I power my way through all of the problem sets I have available or should I take a more gradual approach (one to two sets per q-type per day)?

I have found the one star and two star questions to be very easy but the three star are very challenging and the four star seem out of my league entirely. Just curious if there is an ideal method to go through them. Thank you in advance.


  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma
    When I get to the drills, I do a few of them and then move on. Then, at the beginning of each study session, I will go back and do one in order to be continually reinforcing old skills to stay fresh while I’m adding on more. It’s worked well for me, but of course, find what works for you and do that.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Once you have a feel for the question type just move on. Using up 20 problem sets while doing the curriculum is only going to hurt you later when you need drilling material during your PT phase.
  • Darth JuristDarth Jurist Member
    edited March 2016 453 karma
    Crap! Well, I plowed through all of the sets for strengthen/weaken... Oh well. I do I have the cambridge pdfs (was lucky enough to purchase them before the ban), so I don't think it will be too much of an issue. By the third or fourth problem set I tend to feel fried. I think it is mainly due to the intense BR I implement after I try to complete them for time. Perhaps I am going too hard, too fast.

    @Pacifico @"Can’t Get Right" : thanks for the help!!
  • Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4344 karma
    @"Darth Jurist" said:
    I plowed through all of the sets for strengthen/weaken...
    No, no—you're fine. If there were real inherent risk in doing all of them, we wouldn't include them in the course :) We're trustworthy like that...

    Pacifico is highlighting the flexibility of PS's—there is benefit in leaving some of them for later as well.
  • Darth JuristDarth Jurist Member
    453 karma
    @"Nicole Hopkins" Good to hear. I will try to be a little bit more conservative with my material in the future. I already wasted 5 PTs with the 'more is better mentality.' :-S
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