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How to Reflect Incomplete Grad Program on Resume

trilogy83trilogy83 Free Trial Member

Hello, 7Sagers! Getting to the end of my checklist on these application materials and reached the dreaded résumé.

I pursued a graduate program after finishing my bachelor's. Did it for a year. Left afterwards. What language should I be using on my résumeé to reflect that I didn't complete the program? Right now I have "[Degree] candidate" as opposed to simply having the degree by itself. Will it be self-explanatory due to the fact that the date only spans one year? I want to make sure that I'm being clear, but don't want to create a negative impression in doing so.


  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Maybe explain in an addendum. I don't know if it has to be on a resume if you're talking about it elsewhere on an application, which I think most schools have students discuss in questions about transferring, leaving programs, taking time off, and so on. On the other hand, I've seen "[Program] Coursework" on resumes before.

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