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Anyone in Asia wants to do BR online together?

Rev_LefeRev_Lefe Member
in Study Groups 385 karma

Hi all, I am currently doing online BR with other sagers. Some of them leave after the test in this October so we want to recruit one or two more sagers to join our discussion.

Our BR discussion focuses solely on LR, one section per week; around 90 min to finish our review. We are open to meet online one more time per week for an additional LR or RC section, which we could talk about it later in our skype group.

We hope that you are at least above 160 and a regular and consistent participation is a must. Also you might need to have a Skype account. Most of us are in the time zone GMT +8. So, as long as your time zone is not too far away from ours, I think we won't have a problem to find the time for our discussion.

Shoot me a message if you are interested in joining us!

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