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False Positive Blind Review

I've been noticing a trend over the last 10 reading comprehension problem sets, particularly the ones labeled "hard" RC. During Blind Review, I've been consistently changing correct answers to incorrect answers (i.e. my post-BR score is usually worse). This happens particularly with questions where I've used "intuition" (that-answer-just-feels-better) as I'm running out of time. What's worse, this phenomenon has worsened during the "hard" RC, where I second-guess my answers (hmmm ... this is a hard set so the answer couldn't possibly be this straightforward). This is incredibly frustrating ... it feels like I'm training my brain to not trust itself. Any suggestions on what to do? I never had this problem with any LR/LG questions (in fact, I had never changed a correct answer to an incorrect answer during BR before starting RC).


  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Keep notes, use explanations now that you've done BR, don't give up, realize this has happened to just about all of us so you're not alone, be glad it didn't happen in a live graded testing situation, and take this as a learning experience on a long journey.

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