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How many (FULL) Timed Preptests before Test Day?

dhanneetdhanneet Alum Member
in General 138 karma
I was just wondering how many total timed preptests (under simulated testing conditions) you all advise doing before sitting down for the actual test? Any insight would be super helpful!

I've finally gotten comfortable doing timed sections in LR, LG and in RC but I've been doing them separately and am really hoping I can maintain the scores I'm getting in all of those when doing them back to back. Is it typical to notice a bit of a drop when doing them all at once?

Thanks in advance!


  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Depends on what you're aiming for. The more the better! I'm hoping to take 20 PT by the end of May. Since I'll be taking the June LSAT.
  • dhanneetdhanneet Alum Member
    edited February 2015 138 karma
    I wrote the test in December and cancelled it (I now realize taking it was a stupid thing to do because I was not nearly as ready as I should have been). I was hoping on being ready for this Saturday but I really want to avoid sitting down to write the test until I feel 100% confident that I can rock it. I don't feel as though I've done enough prep tests under simulated conditions to feel confident which is why I'm choosing to wait until June.

    I really wish they would offer the darn test more frequently! I want to be done with this test and would love to have to avoided adding 4 more months of study. I really think another month or so of intense PT's and I could do well.

    20 seems like a good number though, especially if you just started the course!
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited February 2015 3462 karma
    Well at least you got a feel for what test day is like. Next time around you'll be fine. Only you know how truly ready you are to take the real thing again. JY has mentioned that you will either get 3 +/- points on actual lsat from the avg. of the 3 recent PTs you take.

    4 months is a long time but remember not to over do it and burn out. Take breaks and relax at least once or twice per week. This process will eventually fly by and next thing you'll know is that you'll wish you had more time to prep lol I feel that one could never have enough time to prep for this test :)
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    well as long as you have the concepts/fundamentals down you really wanna take as many as you can without burning out. You wanna get as comfortable as possible taking this (all in sorts of conditions) and get so used to it you can get the pattern recognition really down.
    tl;dr: as many as you can, don't burn out
  • JengibreJengibre Member
    383 karma
    I agree with the above comment. The number of preptests necessary varies a lot depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the test taker and, of course, your desired score. Generally, I think the more tests you take, the better shape you will be in on test day. Seeing the same kinds of questions over and over again will help you feel more confident and will maximize speed. Be sure to time them properly!
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I would say as many as you feel best to get all the concepts down and your mark within the range you would like. Some people can do it in less, some people need more.
  • justrandomjustrandom Alum Member
    343 karma
    In my opinion, there is no exact set number. There are some people who only take 10 and score super high and there are others who take almost all. I think it is more about taking the tests and thoroughly reviewing them, I think first you should concentrate on doing timed drills and then start transition to full prep tests. Then throughout the course of your study do a mix of both timed drills and full prep tests. I would say make a baseline goal of doing at least 10 of more recent exams (or a number you are comfortable with) and depending on how you are doing, you can take more exams from there on. =)
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited February 2015 3438 karma
    Subjective... highly...that is why 7sage has 3 packages... that said personally I think the zone of comfort or sweet spot would be 20 -30 tests excluding the prep material...
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    there is a difference between needed and recommended/should... you may only need say 15 PT's to get it down and be scoring decent, you may need more... but either way if you have the time, taking them all is TCR. get a schedule, make it work, and stick with it. If you can properly drill and PT to where you get in every PT(would say starting at 30ish for drilling purposes) you would be in a much better position (given you properly reviewed each one) There are patterns and the more you do, the more you see the patterns. You also want to get as comfortable as possible with the test, enough so to make test day just another PT
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    I noticed a bit of a drop going from timed sections to practice tests because I didn't allow myself the security blanket of checking my answers after a section. Conquering the mental part of this test is your last step to owning this test so take as many PTs as you can (with review of course). Like @jdawg113 said, it's different for everyone but the more patterns you see, the more confident you'll be, and the more confident you are, the less likely you'll get thrown off test day.
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