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Preparing for April 2020 retake- help please

ssskim123ssskim123 Member
in General 8 karma


I just took my first LSAT yesterday (Jan 2020) and immediately signed up for the April test because I really felt that I could do better. Without knowing how I actually did, I am trying to come up with the best study strategies for the next 3 months.

My PT score average was 166, with recent lowest at 163 and highest at 170. (I am pretty sure my score from yesterday would be around the lower side of my usual range, if even. I choked and ran out of time more than usual).

Ive been studying since September 2019 so about 4 months, just self-study with LSAT trainer and Khan. My biggest concern is that I went through PTs 48-81 already and I’m afraid I don’t have many fresh recent PTs left.

To prepare for the retake, I’ve ordered LG bible and Loophole for LR. My weakest section is RC but I’m not sure how to study other than just practicing. Timing is a challenge for me.

Is there any wisdom that anyone could share, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for your time!


  • KevinLuminateLSATKevinLuminateLSAT Alum Member
    984 karma

    Don't worry, you have plenty of tests available for a re-take study program. Space PT82 through PT89 throughout the last 2 months of your studying. Until then, use the earlier PTs (before 47 and below) to practice. Although there are differences between the recent tests and the older tests, most notably for your purposes the lack of a comparative passage, they are still very valuable. And, you can certainly make use of tests you have done before if you have not taken them recently (within the last 3 months).

    You know how some people do 1 LG section every day with review in order to master games? You should be doing something similar for RC. When you review RC, take time to write out your summary of each paragraph and your summary of the main point of the passage. Take time to write out your pre-phrase for any RC questions that allow for a pre-phrase and write out clear explanations for why the wrong answers that tempted you were wrong and why the correct answer is correct. Reflect on why the question was difficult for you and what step you can take in the future to help avoid that mistake. If the passage itself was difficult to understand, reflect on why - was the author attitude subtle? Was there a detailed example that you got lost in? Etc. Consider the passage structure - was it a passage about traditional vs. new, appreciating an artist's contributions, explaining a scientist's research, etc. These deeper, structural issues are what you should think about if you want to perfect RC.

    Where is your time going on RC? Remember that speed comes from reading the passage well and moving on from answers quickly and confidently. It does not come from rushing through the passage. Consider trying some sections where you consciously try to move through the questions quickly without going back as much as you normally would.

    Given that you're in the mid 160s after using 7sage, I doubt that Loophole or LG Bible will result in meaningful increases, though it doesn't hurt to read them. Your improvement is largely going to come from focused review of your mistakes and the gaps in reasoning/process those mistakes reveal.

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