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Multiple Score Entries

rivierabluerivierablue Alum Member
edited January 2020 in Law School Admissions 80 karma

Okay so I wrote last July, not prepared enough, enticed by the freebie, got a 152 and cancelled, target score is a 163-164. So that means I have the free retake in April but I am only 35% through CC and will also still be taking a full course load, thus I wouldn't as prepared as I could be. It's for these reasons that I want to take in August but I also don't want to wait the April opportunity.

My question to you guys is, Would a hypothetical LSAT score history of a cancelled score, a 155-158 (if I took in April) and then a score of around 164 (goal score for August) look bad to schools?


  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Nope. I had three scores total, with a big jump on the last one. You should be fine wth a couple attempts, as long as you get your goal score at the end. After say, 5 takes, though... it may be looked down on a little.

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    I thought the July cancellation wouldn't count too! I could be wrong.

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