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What to Wear & Interview Request

I signed up for an official tour of a school to which I've applied. Does anyone have attire advice? I'm wondering if I should wear business casual or if street clothes are OK. I'll be traveling and with my one year old son, so casual is preferred but of course will wear what's appropriate/expected.

Also, I got an interview request from what I considered a safety school. I'm a little freaked out, because I'm under the impression that interviews are offered to candidates in the discretionary group. Can anyone offer insight on the interview process?



  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    Cant speak on your latter question.

    for the former, if you're travelling with your a son, and its just a tour, and not part of any formal interview, casual should be ok. In fact, its probably good to lighten up a bit, I thinking wearing formal for a general tour is kind of a lot...

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