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How do you keep from falling behind on the core curriculum?

MiamiLaw2024MiamiLaw2024 Alum Member
in General 62 karma

Hey everyone! So I started 7Sage almost a months ago. My syllabus requires me to complete 15-20 hours of studying per week. When I first saw this, I thought it was a manageable study goal. However, I fell behind on this schedule and now I'm having trouble getting back on track. I'm about 2 weeks behind on my study schedule even though I've been studying for several hours everyday. The thing is that even though a curriculum may be 3 hours long, or I plan to complete 2 hours of it, I will usually spend longer hours studying a particular concept just to understand it. I've quickly come to learn that just because a curriculum is 5 hours long, doesn't mean I will comprehend it in 5 hours. For this reason, I have fallen behind. I'm aiming to take the LSAT in July. I know that this is many months away, but I still don't want to fall behind on the core curriculum.
Has this happened to any of you? if so, what do you do to prevent falling behind and/or to catch up? Thanks in advance!


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    I gave myself an estimated 3-4 months to finish the ultimate+ cc along with all of the problem sets and I think I ended up finishing it more along the lines of 4-5 months. This was because I focused not just simply on getting through the cc but actually learning and soaking up all the new information I was learning. Which in my opinion will end up being a lot more efficient in the long run. If you go through focused on learning rather than “completing the cc” yes it may take you a little longer but you’ll be revisiting the cc a lot less once you’re done. So don’t get too hung up or discouraged on falling a little behind. Especially if it comes at the cost of more effective learning and retention.

  • MiamiLaw2024MiamiLaw2024 Alum Member
    62 karma

    That's great advice! I completely agree! I'm also already starting to feel the pressure of burn out. I haven't been able to retain much of what I was studying, so I didn't study at all yesterday or today hoping that maybe some rest will help me bounce back. But now I feel guilty that i'm falling even more behind lol time management just isn't my forte and it's crucial right now as I have a strict timeframe before I take the LSAT in July :/

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    I didnt do every problem set, i finished in a month. I think i probably did like half of all problem sets

  • Vivi LSAT.Vivi LSAT. Alum Member
    edited February 2020 4 karma

    Hi Everyone. Thank you for all of the great feedback. I am debating on getting the Ultimate vs. Ultimate+ to complete the CC and the workload to prepare for the July 13th 2020 LSAT. What is the best package in terms of soaking everything to achieve the best score I can achieve? Also considering, I will not need a 12 month access, 9 months should be enough. Thank you in advance.

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