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How to best study AFTER the LSAT?

lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
in General 3190 karma

Lets just say you finish the LSAT and you know you are going to take it again

Should you study in between the time you take it and the time you get your score? Like an hour a day? Should you use this time to do retakes just to keep mind fresh and not "forget" any material? Or should you just take a total break and not do anything until you get your score? What has worked for yall?


  • 1058 karma

    I gave myself the day after the exam to chill but then I kept studying with my usual routine. But that was back when I had a lot more fresh PTs. Now I would probably focus more on retakes. Everyone is different but I have never benefitted from taking a long break from studying. So I would push on even if just for an hour a day.

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