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tchikaidzeanatchikaidzeana Core Member
in General 12 karma

Hi everyone! I just found this app and signed up for free trial. I see lot of have written good reviews and positive feedbacks. Is anyone willing to give me an insight and better understanding of the site as I am still deciding whether to sign up for monthly purchase or not. Thank you very much!


  • Alum Member
    32 karma

    Hey! what exactly are you seeking insight on? I can say that it has been very helpful... esp. dealing with LR and of course LG. If I were you, I would go to whichever section troubles you the most and see if you enjoy JY's explanations.

  • 99thPercentileOrDieTryin99thPercentileOrDieTryin Free Trial Member
    652 karma

    I studied LSAT for over a year and 7Sage Ultmate+ was the best purchase I made.

    It seems expensive at first but, when you consider what you get, it's such a no-brainer in hindsight.
    My top recs for materials (in order of necessity):

    1. 7Sage Ultimate+
    2. The Loophole by Ellen Cassidy
    3. The Manhattan Logic Games Strategy Guide (Fox is also great)
    4. The LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim

    Good luck!

  • EagerestBeaverEagerestBeaver Alum Member
    703 karma

    No other LSAT study resource gives you more bang for you buck. I did the most basic package, and learned more from that 300ish dollar investment than the 1000+ dollar in-person class. You get a deep dive into what each LR question type wants from you, all the LG explanations, and some RC strategy. That is just the basic package. I would not hesitate to use 7sage.

  • tchikaidzeanatchikaidzeana Core Member
    12 karma

    Thank you all so much. I am going to use free trial materials plus their youtube videos were really helpful. Good luck to you all!

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