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Going from good to great

in General 210 karma

Looking for advice/tips from anyone that's been in my position at one point or another, that can hopefully help anyone in a similar situation.

After finishing the CC, I find myself scoring anywhere from 162-166 on my PT. Not a bad score by any means but i'm struggling with taking that next step to consistently hitting 170+. The way I'm currently studying is I'll usually take a section from a given prep test, work through it under timed conditions and BR and then review both incorrect/correct answers I was hesitant on, I do this for LG and LR. For RC, sometimes I'll just take a section and work through it, but most times I'll do a drill where I read a paragraph, summarize it, read the next paragraph, summarize that, then summarize both P1/P2 and so and so forth. Needless to say, I also do full tests and BR them and then review, i only do individual sections as a way to get better and focus on where I'm going wrong, try and improve, then do a full PT.

However, I'm still struggling to hit the 170 and don't really know what I can do to take that next step. I feel as though im studying well and I have a good balance yet it's still not enough. If anyone's been in a similar situation and found a way to elevate their score please feel free to comment what's worked for you! (even if its another service/book/anything)


  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    This is just one of many things that could probably be considered, but maybe some PT or section retakes could help--the scores will be inflated, but it can help with practice.

  • danielbrowning208danielbrowning208 Alum Member
    531 karma

    The jump you are trying to make honestly might just take some time. It sounds like you are taking a good approach to studying. If you aren't already doing this, I would recommend keeping notes of exactly what mistakes you are making in your practice. Sometimes that might just be that you misread a question or that the question was difficult. Other times, however, it might be the case that your timing on earlier questions put you in a bad position.

    Once you get a better idea of the main sources of your mistakes, you will be able to chart a path forward.

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