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Anxiety Tips/Tricks For Test Day

frericka2frericka2 Member
in General 14 karma

Hello! I am someone who gets nauseous when I am nervous. I am afraid during the test I may feel the need to barf or run off to the bathroom.
I am also a low income student with no anxiety medication.

I am an also industrious student and trying to make myself as comfortable as possible with the test before test day!!!

Does anyone have any tips for those with horrible stomachs that contain our worst fears? lol
Has anyone done a cleanse leading up to test day?
Anyone else experience anything similar?

***The standard breathing exercises won't help with a physical manifestation of anxiety (at least in my experience), so any responses telling me to calm down/breathe/etcetera won't be the most helpful ;(

I eat healthy and go on walks everyday. I will try my hand again at yoga



  • jsirof1jsirof1 Member
    25 karma

    First of all, I give you a HUGE amount of credit for being open about the psychological stresses and physical responses to them that you push through in relation to taking tests. It takes real courage to ask a question like that, and more people should feel empowered to do the same.

    Although I haven't taken the test yet (taking August 29th), one of my personal strategies for not letting the anxiety have too much control over me in general is as you imply, taking a mental "cleanse" the day before the test. The day before test day, you know that you have done everything you could possibly do to be ready for the exam. If there is no substantively new knowledge you can learn on the day directly preceding the test that would make you feel less stressed about it, then in my view it is simply not worth putting effort into it.

    My biggest advice would be to not give this test more of your psychological and physical energy than it deserves. We are going to all get through it together-- I truly mean that. Absolute best luck to you!

  • NinoSaniNinoSani Alum Member
    100 karma

    Try guided meditation, there are a bunch of youtube videos, I am exactly the same way when I get test anxiety I'm blinded and almost forget to read English, I would suggest you to go and see Ellen's supplement for test anxiety, that helped me shed some of the wrecking thoughts that come up while writing the test, she also has a focusing exercise (basically meditation but shorter and more test geared).

    Good luck!

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