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PT During the Course?

aasladeaaslade Member
edited July 2020 in General 6 karma

Hey all, I was thinking about airing a PT as I finish up the LR sections of the course as a kind of benchmark to see how I’ve improved so far. Would that be worthwhile or should I just wait and finish the course?

Did anyone else take PTs during the course? And if so do you think it helped?


  • 15 karma

    I have been taking PTs as I take the course because I got 7Sage less than a month ago and I'm taking it in August. If you have more time than I do, you probably don't have to take any. I ran myself into the ground taking too many practice tests (about 5 in a week) without doing enough of the Core Curriculum. It was ineffective because my score actually went down. I did it so I could have some idea of what question types I need to focus on but instead it just depressed me.

    That being said, I recently did a full week without taking a PT, then took a test. First of all, I improved from both my mid-burnout and pre-burnout scores. More importantly, I found myself able to thoroughly review the LR questions I had missed. Because JY's suggestions/teachings were fresh in my brain, I felt like I was able to commit the corrections to muscle memory. Time will tell if that is an accurate assessment.

    My final thought on this is to be fair to yourself. If you just finished MSS let's say, don't be upset if you miss two MSS on the test. Either they happened to be excessively difficult, you got distracted, or there is a flaw in your approach. No matter which it is, it can be more helpful to miss a question than to get one right with the right approach. I kept beating myself up for missing questions in a section I had just completed, without taking into account the fact that were full difficulty or at the end of a section that I was running out of time for. But alas, what do I know. I'm just a struggling college student.

    TLDR: Go for it, just don't take a shit ton

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