Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Broke the 160s! How to keep the momentum going? - 7Sage Forum

Broke the 160s! How to keep the momentum going?

lizzogonzolizzogonzo Member
in General 628 karma

I finished reviewing my latest PT and landed a 162 on PT 46 (granted the LG section was easier than usual but wins are wins man). I am now going into my last 2 months of studying for the October exam date. If anyone has any suggestions/tips on how to keep the momentum going that would be greatly appreciated!

As of right now, I work full time and reserve about 20-25 hrs/week to study (literally all the free time I have). I drill PT sections throughout the week, do full PTs every other week, and am halfway through reading Loophole by Ellen Cassidy (should finish in the next couple weeks).

I'm trying to hit at least the 90th percentile (around 165) but I'm BRing in the high 160s/170s so I feel like with the proper tools and study habits I have a shot at scoring above 90th which would be a DREAM. What other studying habits/practices have helped you? Should I try to take a full PT every week instead of every other week? Thank you all in advance!!


  • sebramirezsebramirez Member
    101 karma

    @lizzogonzo take a week or so off studying. Seriously. I was scoring consistently in the low 160s. I took a week and a half break and now am scoring high 160s/low 170s. Sometimes your brain needs time to fully absorb the material

  • lizzogonzolizzogonzo Member
    628 karma

    @sebramirez Thank you, I've definitely experienced when I take a break and then come back and improve significantly. This is my first time scoring over 160 and I feel that I need to keep studying for now before taking a break (which I definitely will do one more time between now and October test). So if you have any other tips that'd be great, otherwise thanks again.

  • yeahniceyeahnice Core Member
    123 karma

    @lizzogonzo Hey! keep the momentum going! I was in the same boat but it only literally two weeks of full studying to bring it up to high 160s/low 170s. I recommend you start targeting different sections or question types. I spent a whole weekend day on just NA/SA/PSA, and another whole weekend day on just Flaw/Weakens questions and my LR score went from an average -8 to -4 as these constituted 90% of my errors on LR.

    I also did a whole day on just science passages (untimed & timed) to figure out the 'feel' of the passages and best way to approach them and it definitely helped. (note science was my weakest passage)
    I actually like the game section so I just do one full game section everyday to keep the momentum up for LG.

    I'm not sure if this will help but before every PT, I take out a 'shortcut' note of errors I made or small 'epiphanies' I wrote during Blind Review to keep in mind while taking the PTs and i feel like it brings me back to the 'testing' momentum after a day of other work.

    Good luck!

  • sebramirezsebramirez Member
    101 karma

    @lizzogonzo I drilled my weakest points and did untimed sections afterwards to observe how I tackled questions. But mostly did heavy drilling

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