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Retake Preptests without deleting old data

RotiflipperRotiflipper Member
in General 19 karma

I've already taken the PTs in the 70s and 80s and I want to retake them. Is there anyway I could just create another fresh copy for the whole preptest? I only saw an option to delete my first take - which would also delete the wrong answer data that were used for analytic purposes

Please let me know if I'm missing something obvious (lol). Thanks!


  • qwerty1234qwerty1234 Member
    8 karma

    I would also like an answer to this. I'm not sure how to retake a test without deleting my data from the first take.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    Hi @Rotiflipper and @qwerty1234

    Sorry, to retake a PrepTest, you must first delete the PrepTest data by tapping the "Delete" button in the Digital Tester. There is no way of keeping the two sets of data for a full PrepTest. See the screenshot below:


    Alternatively, you can create custom Problem Sets of each section you will like to retake. Here is how to do one:

    1. Navigate to Problem Sets.
    2. Filter by PrepTests on the "PrepTests To Show" area
    3. Filter by Sections (LG, RC, LR)
    4. Filter further by typing keywords like "pt38 s2" (optional)
    5. Scroll down and mark questions you want to include with the cart icon on the left
    6. Finally, tap on "Create Problem Set with ... Problems" at the bottom


    Let us know if you have any further questions.

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