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Looking for a Study Buddy!

MrsRobinson1MrsRobinson1 Alum Member
in General 106 karma


I am looking for a study buddy who lives within 1-2 hours of my time zone. I am MT and live in Denver. I am looking for a study buddy who would like to go through PT's with me where we would go over our answers and discuss why an answer choice is right or wrong. Furthermore, keep one another accountable. I am currently signed up for the August and October exam. Will be possibly signing up for November as well in case these exams do not go well. I score between 160-165 on PT's and would like to consistently reach 165 and over. On LG I am scoring between 0 and -2. LR I struggle with anywhere from -5 to -10. RC -5 to -10.

Please message me if you are interested in being my study buddy.

Thank you!


  • MrsRobinson1MrsRobinson1 Alum Member
    106 karma

    Addendum: I currently am not working at the moment and study 40 plus hours a week. I am very flexible with my schedule if this helps.

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